What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is based on the premise that Qi or Life Energy, courses through channels in the body just as streams and rivers ebb and flow across the surface of the earth. Every Organ Network has a corresponding set of channels.
The acupuncture points are located in small depressions in the sites called “gates” where the channels come closest to the surface. With acupuncture, the gates of the body are opened and closed to adjust circulation in the channels and expel noxious influences from them.
Very thin, solid, sterile, stainless steel acupuncture needles are inserted into acupuncture points to communicate from the outside to the inside. Acupuncture mobilizes Qi (chi), moisture, and blood, invigorating the proper function of muscles, nerves, vessels, glands, fluids, and organs.
Insertion of the slender needles goes unnoticed by some, and to others may feel like a small pinch followed by a sensation of tingling, numbness, ache, traveling warmth, or heaviness. Sometimes people feel Qi (chi) moving at a distance from the point of insertion. Needles typically remain in place for twenty to forty-five minutes.
Usually, relaxation and an elevation of spirit accompany treatment. It is as normal to want to continue resting as it is to be immediately energized. Some notice a relief of symptoms and feel more energetic in the days that follow treatment. Quality of sleep may be enhanced. Also, the effects and benefits are accumulative.
Most people are pleased to find that treatments are not uncomfortable and even look forward to the sessions.
Because Chinese medicine reverberates in the Body and Spirit, it can be a catalyst for subtle yet far-reaching change.
For your initial comprehensive consultation including whatever treatment may be required = $200 and approximately 1.5 hours. $150 for extensive follow-up care typically takes 1.0 hours. Prepaid packages are available.
Please be advised that prepaid packages are non-refundable though may qualify for a credit towards other services we offer. A typical prepaid package after the initial comprehensive appointment is 12 sessions discounted to $125. for follow-up visits and a savings of $300. 12 X $125 = $1500 and may be shared and has an expiration one year from the date of issue.